A Letter to Public Health England

First lesson of life. It’s an instinct. We know this from the moment we are born. Inhale, exhale. Source of life. Smokers and vapers alike we take it to extremes.

Nevertheless we vapers are more than happy we have overcome the tobacco ‘hook’. Still we inhale, exhale our daily dose of satisfaction with our coffee or a beer with friends. Force of habit. Call me pathetic. They say I’m still “smoking”.

Both you and I know the benefits of vaping over smoking. The benefits of inhaling vapour rather than products of combustion. Still, we are the laughing stock of smokers and non-smokers because we cannot seem to kick the habit. Well, apparently we need some sort of consolation. At least I do. Especially having my coffee or a beer with friends.

Governments and their well-subsidized partners think we should all give up smoking. But only if we use the products provided by Pfizer, GSK etc. And if that doesn’t work, please go back to smoking tobacco products. Because, apparently, governments and their well-subsidized NGO’s can only sustain themselves if we use either Pharma or Tobacco products.

Therefor it is most commendable that PHE has stuck out its neck to defend the most sensible alternative to tobacco products. PHE, a notable institution of statue no less.

It is only obvious and logical that their support of major harm reduction products should encounter massive resistance from the industry as well as from the heavily funded, so called, independent researchers.

As the Dutch consumer’s organization of vapers we do not only salute PHE for taking a stand in the matter, but we also fully support their in-depth sight and scientifically based view on harm reduction.

According to PHE it is better to switch to a sensible alternative than to follow treaded paths. And we agree.

PHE, a heartfelt thank-you from The Netherlands and its vaping community.

Over Remco 11 Artikelen
Zelfstandig fotograaf. 29 Jaar lang een verstokte roker geweest en dampt nu uitsluitend nog, sinds november 2013. Dampen is mijn vrije keuze. Dampen redt levens. Dampen moet mogelijk blijven, ook voor rokers die in de toekomst willen overstappen op een zinvol alternatief.

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